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Civil Engineering Field Trip

On August 29th, 2020, Civil Engineering students  participated in the field trip to Tin Trung Co.,Ltd.., which exposed them to the real workplace, onsite construction activities, safety supervision, etc… with the purpose of developing necessary employability skills in their future jobs. This is also an opportunity for students to visit town houses, as well as equip themselves with practical knowledge and occupational skills.

The trip promoted the students’awareness of the critical role of technology in their study progress, helping them gain a better understanding of their chosen career. 

Some photos of the field trip:

Sinh viên tập trung tại công trường

At the construction site

: Quan sát, so sánh và phân tích công trình đang thi công thực tế với lý thuyết trên lớp

Students inspected, compared, and analyzed both theory and practice

Hướng dẫn an toàn lao động tại công trường đang thi công

Providing an in-depth analysis of construction site safety

Hướng dẫn sinh viên đi xuống giàn giáo

Providing general guide for scaffolding work